Holiday Video Of The Year.

(Note:  You will only find the following amusing funny if you watch Scrubs.  But if you don’t watch Scrubs, what the hell is wrong with you?  Scrubs is, hands down, the funniest show on TV.  It is the only show I watch that consistently makes me laugh out loud, usually enough that I have to pause the show, and then rewind so I can watch the joke at least another two times.  Seriously, it’s freaking brililant, and if you haven’t seen it, shame on you!  Luckily you can buy Seasons One, Two, Three and Four on DVD.  And the newest season just started two weeks ago!)

Via Waxy via TVSquad comes the following short: A Charlie Brown Christmas as re-imagined by the cast of Scrubs.  It’s the same film we’ve come to know and love, but different dialogue, with each character played by a member of the Scrubs cast.  Seems like this was meant for internal use at some point, meaning that now that it’s public, the Schulz company is likely to bring it down any second.  Until then, watch and enjoy.

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