JasonHare.com Is Out Of The Office

Hi folks!

Jess and I are on vacation in San Francisco all this week.  Internet access is intermittent, but I’m still hoping to have Mellow Gold and Chart Attack! posted, although they may not be up at the usual time.  Chart Attack! might also be a bit brief as I wasn’t stupid enough to lug those Billboard books with me across the country.

See ya soon!

4 Responses to “JasonHare.com Is Out Of The Office”

  1. jefito Says:

    This is absolutely unacceptable.

  2. Dw Dunphy Says:

    JasonHare.com Is Out Of The Office
    I guess this means that autograph from Steve Carrell you promised me is out of the question.

  3. Franz Hemingbeck Says:

    Hey- I live in San Francisco!That urine smell on the sidewalks downtown is not entirely my fault.

  4. Robert Says:

    Have a good trip!