Petra Does Journey!

My Old Kentucky Blog has the story on the new Guilt By Association compilation coming out September 4th – it’s a bunch of indie artists covering "guilty pleasures" (and by the way, Stephen King has an interesting article in EW about the notion of "guilty pleasures" being a meangingless term).  I care very little about any of these artists, but I do love me some Petra Haden.  Here, she covers Journey’s "Don’t Stop Believin’."  I imagine Mike’s brain is exploding right now, as he likes Petra but hates Journey. 

MOKB has the mp3.  Check it out.  Needless to say, if you like Petra’s other stuff, this will be right up your alley.  It’s not for everybody, but I think she does a great job.  She’s a fearless artist.  I’m biased, though: she covered the entirety of The Who Sell Out.

7 Responses to “Petra Does Journey!”

  1. Elaine Says:

    Yknow, I kinda liked it.  Her style reminds me of that Japanese guy Dokaka.

  2. Dw Dunphy Says:

    Yay, more trivia for y’all. The "submerged dude" on the cover of "Petra Haden Sells Out" is Robbie Benson, possibly still the husband of Karla Devito. You can’t see him because Robbie (a/k/a The Beast) is hidden completely out of view in the tub of beans (because Mr. Man has enough weenie for all’a y’all). Don’t Stop Believin’ that they’re a match made in heaven! (Yeah, I much prefer actually making crap up rather than getting crap wrong!)

  3. Robert Says:

    There was an article in Esquire a few years ago about guilty pleasures being meaningless, and I think that writer made the same point as King — some snob came up with the term. Probably some 16-year-old snob, because as I get older it just seems pointless to be defensive or secretive about what I like. Whatever makes you happy.

    By the way, the image of Stephen King on a treadmill hugging himself with delight is scaaaaaary.

  4. David Says:

    Dokaka Chan. Dokaka Chan.

    Dokaka Chan, let me love you, lemme rock Dokaka Chan
    Lemme rock you ’cause I feel for you.

    … Sorry.

  5. Beau Says:

    I’m just relieved that you’re talking about Petra Haden and not Petra. I always liked the former in the Rentals.

  6. PooterGeek » Blog Archive » Happy Stuff Says:

    […] in the morning. About fifteen minutes ago, I got back from working hard at a delightful wedding. Thanks to Jason Hare, I’ve just read this piece by Stephen King about the joys of junk culture and listened to […]

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