Oh hi.

It’s been just over three years since I’ve updated this website.

When I first started, I intended this site to be a catch-all for a million different things: personal posts, commentary on amusing and interesting links, and a space for me to write about music and pop culture. The site opened with a bang, thanks to some high-profile linkage from Jefito, Stereogum and AOL, and suddenly I had an audience, interested in reading what I had to write about Michael McDonald. I started two really fun series (I would much prefer to write “serieses” here but it’s not a real word), created a bunch of deadlines for myself to post new content for them, and found I never had time to post the other stuff I wanted to post.

Then the serieses (screw it, it’s my site, I’m writing it) moved over to Popdose, which is where they rightfully belonged, and then…I ran out of steam. My self-imposed deadlines kicked my ass and writing my posts became more obligations than outlets for enjoyment. I try very hard to stick to one rule above all others: if the thing you do for fun is consistently no longer fun, stop doing it. I already do things every day I don’t necessarily enjoy doing. There’s not enough time in the day to do other things I don’t love.

I still write for Popdose from time to time, and I’ll continue to do so — that’s where any new substantial music posts (or serieses) will show up. But I’m going to reclaim JasonHare.com as what it was meant to be all along: my personal musings on anything, be it music, theatre, pop culture, family, photos, links, whatever. I’m going to do it on my own schedule, which means it might be three times a day or once a month. Or never again after this post. I think I was scared to do this in the past because I didn’t want to annoy/mislead all the people that subscribed to the site for the reasons they visited in the first place. But at this point, I figure either you’ll subscribe, continue to subscribe, or unsubscribe, and all those options are okay with me. I welcome comments — everything worthwhile in my life is a dialogue — but understand if there aren’t any.

So hi and welcome, or goodbye and don’t forget to visit Popdose for all your daily pop culture needs.


15 Responses to “Oh hi.”

  1. Ted Says:

    Well, I hope you continue to post here. I know it’s tough to find the time to blog (my blog is feast or famine in terms of posting), but if you decide to pull the plug on this, I completely understand — but I’ll still be sad.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks, Ted. I look to both you and Jules as inspiration for the kind of blogging I’d like to be doing.

  3. Ted Says:

    Aw,shucks…Thanks, Jason.

  4. Kurt Torster Says:


  5. Matt Springer Says:

    I choose to…subscribe! Bring it on!

  6. Hdubarry Says:


  7. Michael Burke Says:

    You are RSS’d MFer.

    Now make with the laugh laugh!

  8. Michael Parr Says:


  9. Aaol Says:

    but but… but…

  10. Mindy Says:

    I for one am excited to see you posting here again, does this mean I can add you back to my blog roll now? :)

  11. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks, Mindy! Yes, and I’ve added you to mine…man, did this site get dusty…

  12. Mom Says:

    How cool is this. I’m psyched that writing is back in your life

  13. Jules Says:

    Welcome back! For me at least, blogging is a lot different than it was 3 years ago. For better or for worse, I’m not sure. I’ll look forward to seeing what you have to say. And I’m glad you said ‘serieses’. Own the blog.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Yeah, Jules, I’ve thought about that a lot — what to say, if anybody cares, how much the specifics of the medium matter (WP vs Tumblr vs etc)…I guess I’ll find out. I’ve always liked the way you’ve done it.

  15. George Says:

    If this means more Benny Mardones in my life, then I’m all for it!