The Universe is Laughing

Jessica and I have been singing together pretty much since the first day we met, but it took us a long time to figure out how to do it properly. Something about our blend never sounded quite right. One day, we were in the car singing through Rites of Passage by Indigo Girls, and when we got to “Jonas and Ezekial” I think I was drinking some water or something and she got to the lead part — the Amy Ray part, the part I should be singing! — before I did. So I sang Emily Saliers’ part instead, which goes into the stratosphere near the end. I blew out my voice, but it actually sounded okay.

And that’s when we figured out the secret to us singing together: she needs to take the low part. It makes sense. Telemarketers call her “sir” and me “ma’am” when they get us on the phone. She’s got a deep voice, I sound kind of like the pimply-faced kid on The Simpsons. She fixes stuff in the house when it breaks, I suggest calling someone and paying them too much money to do it. She wears the pants, I look good in a dress. (Not that I do that sort of thing (regularly), but c’mon. These legs? Please.)

The other night we took a stab at singing one of our favorite songs, “The Universe is Laughing,” by one of our favorite bands, The Guggenheim Grotto. Not too shabby. I like singing the high part more anyway.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

10 Responses to “The Universe is Laughing”

  1. Michael Burke Says:

    Awww, yay.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Love this post & the video! Not too shabby, indeed! Awesome, really.

  3. Bobowax Says:

    Great singing, but jason, did you notice your fly was open?>

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Why do you think Jessica was smiling at the end?

  5. Mindy Says:

    Well first the post itself cracked me up, I want to see the dress photos :) Secondly, this is pretty fantastic. You sound great together!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    You’re very sweet, Mindy. Thank you!

  7. Ted Says:

    Love the video! The two of you make beautiful music together.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you, Ted. Appreciate it!

  9. EightE1 Says:

    Waiting for the inevitable duets record. Might I suggest “Don’t Fall in Love with a Dreamer” next?

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Rob, that song JUST left my head, and now look what you’ve done.