Mellow Birthday

I received many awesome, musical presents for my birthday yesterday (Jason Falkner CD!  A melodica!  Concert tickets!  My wife bought me a MANDOLIN!), but there’s one gift I got that I thought you guys would especially appreciate.  This one comes from Mike, who came up with the idea, and his wonderful girlfriend Colleen, who actually crafted it.

Colleen even said she’d make me more if I want.  I’m thinking about getting them in every pastel color imaginable, and ONLY wearing Pablo Cruise t-shirts on weekends for the entire summer.  I can’t even tell you how much in love I am with this shirt…but then again, if you’re a regular here, you probably understand completely.

Speaking of Colleen, she’s mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.  See her post on Mike’s blog today, and stay tuned for her own website, launching soon.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

10 Responses to “Mellow Birthday”

  1. Robert Says:

    Is Colleen willing to make more shirts for personal profit? I think some of your readers would be interested. (Ladies’ medium, please.)

  2. Colleen Says:

    Glad you like the shirt Jason!  If anyone is jealous of Jason and wants a Pablo Cruise experience of their very own, shoot Jason an e-mail and we can work something out.

  3. Dw Dunphy Says:

    I would definitely hit on a girl wearing a Pablo Cruise t-shirt. Definitely. It probably means she’s got seriously lowered expectations – and then it’s time for Milhouse to shine! Uh, er, I mean Dw. Of course. I’m not a cartoon character…………And away I go, exit, stage right! – DwD

  4. whiteray Says:

    Great shirt! You look like one seriously mellow fellow!

  5. Betty Rocker Says:

    Is there a new Falkner CD???? Looks like you made out with some good loot!!

  6. K Rock Says:

    I’ve been a long time lurker, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY fellow Taurus! I turned 30 May 12th. I’ll admit, I’m hella jealous about your T-shirt!
    Pretty cool to see what was on the charts during that time – thanks!

  7. woofpop Says:

    That might be the best gift ever.

  8. Dave P Says:

    Goddamn, that’s a great gift. I hope you’ve got a nice pair of white slacks to go with it. Happy birthday!

  9. jb Says:

    All I could think of when I saw that shirt was “I want you tonight.” (Not you, Jason, the shirt.) Don’t wanna live without it. So now whatcha gonna do? Find a place in the sun? Go to Rio?

    Please, make it stop.

  10. Pete Says:

    That’s excellent! And it looks fantastic-nice job, Colleen!And happy belated b-day, Jason!